Hot Box

Hometown munchies like South Shore pizza and North Shore roast beef



Brought to you by:

Ania Zaroda and Mike Guervich

At Hot Box, you'll find classic, local food cooked with pride.  Owners Ania and Mike are from the North Shore (Salem and Lynn), home to a special kind of roast beef—thinly sliced, served pretty rare with a very specific type of BBQ, mayo, and cheese. It's a soft mess on a bulky roll.

Not far is the South Shore, where the go-to is South Shore bar pizza — crispy, individually sized pizza that's unique to the area, and a staple of their childhood.

On Hot Box’s menu, there are no allegiances—you are free to indulge in both classics, as well as burgers, sandwiches, and burritos from their new "Seis Pies" pop-up.
